An exchange of ideas and beliefs in a place between the sacred and secular


sto·a [Greek, porch]

STOA is a non-profit organization formed to stimulate thoughtful and sincere Christian dialogue. STOA takes its name from the classic Greek word for "porch". an area of the Temple in Jesus' time where various intellectuals would gather to learn from each other and pose questions of significance. Not being inside the Temple, but being a part of the Temple this place was considered neither completely sacred nor secular. It was there, at that place that was both sacred and secular that questions and ideas of significance external to the community of faith could be entertained, and in turn those within the Christian faith could pose significant questions to those outside of Christian belief.


At STOA, we believe that the genuine pursuit of truth from a benevolent attitude contributes to the development of human fullness in the Image of God and results in the discovery of His person. It is in hope of this fullness for all persons that we engage our hearts and minds to the tasks of open examination and dialogue.


To those ends we seek to:

  • Explore and develop Christian perspectives in theology, philosophy, leadership, ethics, culture and the arts.
  • Promote dialogue concerning these perspectives within the community of Christian faith. 
  • Promote dialogue concerning this perspective between the community of Christian faith and adherents of other belief systems, especially the secular community
  • Develop and foster Christian leadership with particular regard to these perspectives